10 Questions Furloughed Staff Should Ask Themselves

This article aims to help you reflect on this enforced period of absence from the workplace. If you have been furloughed, to help you remain as positive and productive as possible, while getting yourself ready for the next chapter, there are a few[...]

7 Great Ways to Upskill During a Pandemic

One of the places we recommend starting from is looking at your Career Checklist and Career Development plans and developing an action plan from there. If you haven't done this before you can do this by downloading the documents from the downloads[...]

Top Tips for Getting New Employees through Virtual Onboarding

After the induction process and any initial training, an essential part of every onboarding process is finding a compromise between the working style that suits the organisation, and that which works for the new employee. This, of course, is proving[...]

Cultureboarding - How to Communicate Culture in a Virtual Setting

Your company culture is a critical component of what your business stands for and how it operates. That is why the term Cultureboarding is now used extensively in HR circles, with organisations focusing on promoting work culture as a key component[...]

8 Top Tips for Job Seekers during a Pandemic

The Pandemic has seriously disrupted the job market on a global scale. Countless staff have been made redundant, millions of employees furloughed, while others have had job offers rescinded or been forced to take pay cuts, creating previously unseen[...]

The 7 Job Skills likely to be in Highest Demand after the Pandemic!

Even before the current crisis, changing technologies and new ways of working were disrupting jobs and the skills employees needed to do those jobs. The McKinsey Global Institute (2017) estimated that as many as 375 million workers (14 % of the[...]

What Makes a Great Leader During a Time of Crisis

It undoubtedly takes a very special type of person to take the lead and guide others through troubled waters in seemingly apocalyptic times. Some of those characteristics will result from the individuals natural skills and style, but there are[...]

6 Top Tips for Helping Your Employees be Productive Working From Home

Working from home can feel unusual, and like a change from the norm. It may cause the working day to feel disrupted, which can affect an employee's ability to work to their usual standard.