7 Tips for Managing a Virtual Team For the First Time

It can be enough of a challenge to manage your own working from home arrangements during this period of lockdown. Added to that now is the task of managing a team who are all working remotely – something that many managers may not have had an[...]

Tips For Hiring and Retention during and After the Coronavirus Crisis

Hiring, staff productivity and retention are challenging for most organisation during a global pandemic. But what will it look like afterwards and what can you do now?

Coronavirus Advice for Job Seekers

Despite the Coronavirus pandemic having severe short-term implications for the UK Job market, one thing we do know in this period of massive uncertainty is that this will be a finite period of time. If you are a job seeker how is this likely to[...]

Top Tips for Skype and Video Interviews

As an increasing number of clients seek to take advantage of recent technological advances to both streamline and improve the effectiveness of their talent acquisition strategies, the importance of candidates being prepared for telephone,[...]

How to Have a Successful Telephone Interview

Many organisations now use phone interviews to screen their initial shortlist before embarking on a more detailed round of face to face interviews with candidates. 

What Employees are Looking for When They Change Jobs

Recruitment has changed considerably over recent years with scarcity of quality candidates meaning that the current job market is predominantly candidate-driven. With this in mind your candidate attraction process and techniques need to reflect this.

Changes to the National Minimum Wage 2020

Please note the following Important Changes to the National Minimum Wage.

Current rates to 31st March 2019

  • £8.21 per hour for ages 25 and over.

  • £7.70 per hour for ages 21 to 24.

  • £6.15 per hour for ages 18 to 20.

  • £4.35 per hour for school[...]

What Employees in the North are Looking for

As it’s getting harder to recruit the right employees, your organisation must work even harder to stay attractive to the right kind of talent. This does not mean simply changing your marketing messages or coming up with an arbitrary ‘company values’[...]