8 Top Tips to Engage and Connect Your Employees During a Pandemic
Employee engagement can often be a challenge for employers at the best of times, but even more so during a pandemic. In a time where physical contact is limited, work processes are altered and all aspects of our lives are impacted in different ways,[...]
Categories: how to keep employees happy, culture, teambuilding, employee engagement, employee wellbeing, employee needs, what employees want, covid19, covidsafe, the new norm
| Comments Off6 Top Tips When Preparing for Your Return to the Office
Looking at bringing back your team to the office? Here’s some great and effective ideas to keep you and your team safe…
Categories: culture, employee engagement, managing change, change management, covid19, covidsafe, covidsafeenvironment, the new norm
| Comments OffChristina Live on BBC Radio Leeds
Lucy Walker Recruitment Marketing and Communications Manager, Christina Shiels was live on BBC Radio Leeds on Saturday morning on the Andrew Edwards Show.
Categories: cv tips, personal goals, job skills after covid-19, what furloughed staff should consider, radio, radiobroadcast, bbcradioleeds
| Comments OffHow to manage, support and motivate a team through change…
Making redundancies is almost without exception a horrible process for managers, leaders and business owners, those employees whose roles are being made redundant, and also the remaining team.
Categories: culture, How to delegate, redundancy, employee engagement, redundancy support, redundancy action plan, managing change, change management
| Comments OffLucy Walker LIVE on Sky News {Video}
Lucy Walker Recruitment Founder, Lucy Walker, was live on Sky News on Wednesday morning.
Importance of Continuing Self Development
If you’re planning to power forward in your career, there are few things more important than embracing new skills and training.
7 Top Tips for Redundant Employees
If you, a partner, friend or a colleague are facing redundancy, here are our seven tips to help you with some of the challenges you may be facing, whilst putting you in the best position possible to find new employment in the the not too distant[...]
Categories: redundancy, redundancy support, redundancy action plan, how to deal with redundancy
| Comments Off8 Great Questions to Help you Reflect on Your Career Path
Pre-pandemic, most of us lived hectic day-to-day work lives, with 12-13 hour work days not being unusual when travel had been added into the equation.
Categories: career discussions, career development, career plan, career change
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