10 Reasons Why you Should Consider Hiring Temporary Workers for your Organisation
You may have seen our recent post on the benefit of temping for employees, so we now look at it from the other side of the fence, the employer and why you should consider it..
The Impact of a 'Bad Hire' on your Business
When you get your hiring decisions right its a cause for celebration and relief as the pursuit of your departmental and corporate goals can continue unabated and with renewed gusto either as was or if its increased headcount with added momentum.[...]
Categories: Recruitment Costs, interview process, recruiting process, bad hire
| Comments OffHow to Avoid a Bad Hire
It’s a topic which is paramount across the world to all business leaders, HR teams and hiring managers as they strive in search of their departmental and organisational goals. After all, attracting and then retaining the “right” people is critical[...]
Categories: Interview Skills For Hiring Managers, recruiting, interview process, recruiting process
| Comments Off4 Steps to Prevent Recruitment Fallout within your Organisation
Recruitment Inertia as we call it, is common within many businesses and relates to an organisational inability to move the recruitment process past a given internal stumbling block. This can often be as a result of the differing opinions of the[...]
How to Write a standout PA CV
If you're currently considering your next role as a PA/EA you will want to ensure your CV is up to date and most importantly stands out from the crowd. Our article provides some easily implementable, practical advice to help you.
10 'Must Do's for a Winning CV
Despite the continuing advancements in technology, with the rising use of videos, behavioural testing and online platforms in recruitment, our experience tells us that most perspective employers are still happy looking at a CV as the gateway to[...]
Categories: how to write a successful CV, cv tips, CV writing skills, cv writing tips
| Comments Off5 Stand Out Words You Must Include on your CV.
With research showing that a prospective employer will spend on average only 7 seconds looking at the suitability of your CV for a vacancy, the need to make your CV stand out from the crowd is of paramount importance. One of the key ways to do this[...]
Categories: how to write a successful CV, cv tips, CV writing skills, cv writing tips
| Comments Off10 Power Verbs to Make your CV Standout from the Crowd
If you want to land interviews and get your CV past that initial stage, you really need to get plenty of verbs to describe the actions you take in the workplace to provide value to your colleagues and your customers. So including what we describe as[...]
Categories: how to write a successful CV, cv tips, CV writing skills, cv writing tips
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