How to Measure the Quality of Your Hiring

Experience tells us that virtually every business process is regularly evaluated and reviewed to consider improvements and changes for the benefit of the organisation. However, when it comes to evaluating the success of the hiring process, this is[...]

Why using Multiple Agencies isn't helping your Hiring Problems

As recruiters, the delight at taking a new instruction from a new client can sometimes, believe it or not, turn to despair. When the Consultant asks during the initial brief for a visit or a period of exclusivity and is told neither are appropriate[...]

3 Questions To Ask To Find Out If You're Attracting the Best Talent

There are 3 questions which will help any business leader or senior team members involved in the hiring process to assess whether your organisation is attracting the best talent out there.

The 10 Common Mistakes Interviewers Make and how to avoid them

In our experience, most interviewers interview infrequently, aren't aware of the best approach and don't feel fully comfortable in the interview themselves. So it's no surprise that many mistakes are made in the interview process which could,[...]

The Cultural Fit Approach to Hiring

How often have you heard the phrase 'he's a good cultural fit' or 'she will fit well within the team' or 'I like her but just not sure she is us' ?

Quite often I imagine.... but what does any of this mean and why is it so important in the hiring[...]

It's all about balance...

A healthy work-life balance is so important for all members of an organisation, from employees to managers to business owners, and is a vital tool in employee attraction and branding promotion.

This should be a focus throughout day to day working[...]

The 10 Top Traits of a Great Hire for your Organisation

The ideal candidate can make all the difference, bringing with them a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to your workplace and providing an excellent culture fit for your organisation. On the other hand, getting your hire wrong can result in wasted[...]

12 steps to being Confident at Work

“To establish true self-confidence, we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives.” — Denis Waitley