What Makes a Good Sales Manager? 6 (Must Have) Traits

What makes a good sales manager ? The answer is in this post which is the next in our Lucy Walker series where we share the skills, attributes and traits of high performers in the various commercial roles our clients recruit for. 

We did it! The Full Story {Video }

On Friday 29th September 2017, alarms went off from 4;30 am at the Castle Green Hotel in Kendal, as a 15 strong team from Lucy Walker Recruitment awoke wondering what the day had in store for them in preparation for the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge[...]

How to Plan Your Management Career

You love the job you do and yet deep down you know you were meant to do more. You respect and admire the managers in your organisation and wonder what needs to happen for you to become a manager too.

How to Create a LinkedIn Profile for Your Job Search

If you are a candidate looking for a new role there are two areas to pay attention to; one is a CV, and the other is your LinkedIn profile. 

Motivational Meetings: How to Run Motivational and Inspiring Team Meetings

Motivational meetings? We have all been there, haven’t we? That meeting that was atrociously run, with a weak agenda and no specific actions to take away. It was anything but motivational. 

Life after Redundancy... Your 4 Step Plan

Facing redundancy is a significant moment in any career. It brings up feelings of uncertainty and can make us question our professional future. However, a well-planned approach can turn redundancy into an opportunity for growth and transformation.[...]

How to Excel at Your Assessment Centre

Assessment centres are increasingly used in the recruiting process as organisations search out the best employees for their vacant roles. 

Why Now is the Time to ENGAGE!

Like it or not, we now live in a "review" society where the aloof drinks waiter, the ignorant holiday representative and the horrendously uncomfortable bed will inevitably find their perceived faults plastered over one of the many social media[...]