Candidate Personas and Personality Testing: How to scale your Talent Attraction

Recently on the Lucy Walker Recruitment blog we have shared posts related to talent sourcing and talent pipelining; both critical tasks for any growing organisation. 

Today we want to share a couple of different strategies many companies do not[...]

How to Source New Talent to Power Your Organisational Growth

In a recent post, we talked about employee growthand gave five critical things for you to consider, we now turn our attention to how you source these candidates.

How to Reduce Commerical Downtime during your Recruitment Process..

If you’ve been taken by surprise with a sudden employee resignation, or it’s taking much longer than you expected to find a suitable candidate to fill that key vacancy, you will understand the frustrations and challenges the recruitment process can[...]

Your Employee Growth: 5 Ideas to Consider

Here at Lucy Walker Recruitment, we have learned a thing or two about planning for staff growth.  

Over the last 30 years, we have scaled extensively, from me and a phone to our current award winning recruitment team delivering recruiting services[...]

Developing a Recruitment Strategy for the New Economy

Every company can occasionally be caught out when a valued employee resigns for an unexpected reason.  

6 (Easy) Ways Your Employer Branding Can Improve Your Recruiting Strategy.

Creating and maintaining a strong employer brand is vital in attracting desirable candidates into your organisation.

Candidate Attraction - 7 Ways to get The Perfect Match...

It’s amazingly gratifying as a recruiter, when a candidate you've introduced to your client ‘click’, and to see the candidate go on to have a long and successful career with that client. 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen, often[...]

5 Reasons Behavioural Testing Will Get You The Right Candidate

When you’re hiring a new candidate, you’re hiring to fill specific skills gaps in your organisation. But, unfortunately, that’s not all you’re doing.

Every time you take on a new hire, you are inviting risk into your team: the risk that the[...]