About Mark Woffenden
The Importance of Candidate Experience and How to improve Yours
In today's highly competitive job market, where talented individuals are often the most sought-after commodity, the need to prioritise candidate experience has become paramount for organisations striving to attract and retain top talent.
Categories: hiring mistakes, hiring strategy, hiring plan, candidate attraction, hiring process, candidate experience
| Comments Off10 Recruiting Challenges to look out for in 2024
The rapidly evolving global business landscape in 2024 presents recruiters with unique challenges. As organizations race to acquire top talent, it's crucial to understand and anticipate these issues to maintain a competitive edge.
Here is a[...]
Categories: recruiting process, recruiting trends, hiring process, 2024
| Comments OffNavigating the Job Market: The Ultimate Guide for Gen Z Success
As members of Generation Z enter the workforce, they are faced with a rapidly evolving job market that demands adaptability, creativity, and continuous learning. In order to thrive in this dynamic landscape, it's crucial for Gen Z to equip[...]
How to Effectively Engage Job Seekers for Your Role
Engaging job seekers is crucial to enable you to firstly attract and then retain top talent for your organisation.
Dressing For Success: How Personal Appearance Influences Your Career
Your appearance has more of an impact on your career than you might think.
While your success in any role will depend heavily on your performance and skills, the wrong appearance can make it harder to access growth opportunities.
How to use your Body Language to ensure Interview Success
Sending the right message in an interview depends on more than just your words. How you present yourself, your gestures, and even your ability to preserve eye contact can convey a host of information to your hiring manager.
Categories: how to get a job after graduating, career advice for graduates, graduate recruitment
| Comments OffWhat Graduates don't know about the Recruitment Process
As graduation season approaches, many fresh-faced graduates eagerly anticipate their entry into the professional world. Armed with their newly acquired knowledge and degrees, they embark on the job hunt, believing they are well-prepared for the[...]
Categories: how to get a job after graduating, career advice for graduates, job guide for graduates, graduate recruitment
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