Mark Woffenden

About Mark Woffenden

Mark Woffenden is a Director at Lucy Walker Recruitment and has an extensive knowledge of the issues and workings of the West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester Commercial markets developed over the last 20 years in the Industry

Lucy Walker LIVE on Sky News {Video}

Lucy Walker Recruitment Founder, Lucy Walker, was live on Sky News on Wednesday morning.

Importance of Continuing Self Development

If you’re planning to power forward in your career, there are few things more important than embracing new skills and training.

7 Top Tips for Redundant Employees

If you, a partner, friend or a colleague are facing redundancy, here are our seven tips to help you with some of the challenges you may be facing, whilst putting you in the best position possible to find new employment in the the not too distant[...]

8 Great Questions to Help you Reflect on Your Career Path

Pre-pandemic, most of us lived hectic day-to-day work lives, with 12-13 hour work days not being unusual when travel had been added into the equation.

10 Questions Furloughed Staff Should Ask Themselves

This article aims to help you reflect on this enforced period of absence from the workplace. If you have been furloughed, to help you remain as positive and productive as possible, while getting yourself ready for the next chapter, there are a few[...]

7 Great Ways to Upskill During a Pandemic

One of the places we recommend starting from is looking at your Career Checklist and Career Development plans and developing an action plan from there. If you haven't done this before you can do this by downloading the documents from the downloads[...]

Top Tips for Getting New Employees through Virtual Onboarding

After the induction process and any initial training, an essential part of every onboarding process is finding a compromise between the working style that suits the organisation, and that which works for the new employee. This, of course, is proving[...]

Cultureboarding - How to Communicate Culture in a Virtual Setting

Your company culture is a critical component of what your business stands for and how it operates. That is why the term Cultureboarding is now used extensively in HR circles, with organisations focusing on promoting work culture as a key component[...]