Redundancies invariably come "out of the blue" and as a complete shock to the system and you will undoubtedly go through a range of emotions in the initial aftermath ranging from anger to shock to worry to in some instances relief that a decision has been made to allow you to move forward.
Here we break the process down into 5 steps to help:
Step 1 - Reflection
Reflect on all of the emotions caused, but our best advice is that it's important to adopt a "move forward" mindset. Always remember in only a very few instances will this be related to your ability, skillset or company fit and so it will be out of your control. So now more than ever is the time to focus on yourself, what's important for you and to take control.
You are your own brand, believe in yourself and move forward with belief and passion about what you have to offer a prospective new employer.
Step 2 - Housekeeping
Put a call into or read online advice at, Citizens Advice bureau or talk to your independent financial advisor to find out what financial benefits, help and assistance are available and what you can apply for. Although stats show that in an average career, 45% of us get made redundant at least once, very few of us are prepared for this situation and know the right person to ask. Lets face it, very few of us know how Job Seekers Allowance work and your entitlement until we are in this situation.
So find out the facts, look at your payout, look at any policies you have in place to cover such eventualities and do a budget to assess how long you can wait as a worst case scenario before returning to paid employment.
Step 3 - What Next for You ?
Our recent blog article, "What Next when your Career stalls", whilst aimed principally at those still in their role, is certainly worth a read as you assimilate where you are in your career, what you have achieved, what motivates you and what you want next in your career.
Do you want to stay in the same industry, same type of role and same geographical area or is it time to for a complete change? Do you want to retrain? This is an important part of your grieving process, finally allowing you to move forward and recommence your job search with purpose and enthusiasm.
Another article we have called How to develop a Successful Career Plan is also worth a read and has templates which can be downloaded.
Step 4 - Recommencing your Search
If you plan to use the services of a Recruitment Consultancy, our advice would be to do your research thoroughly.
Don't post your CV on endless job boards and connect with every consultancy in your area. Take the time to do your research online, assess who are the key operators in your area of expertise, look at their websites and recommendations and talk to them first on the phone, find out their processes, find how they work and what they will do for you. Will they work exclusively with you to market you out to selected Companies? Explore their knowledge of the market you want to work in.
Working with a consultancy that you are comfortable with is vitally important. We don't recommend you use more than 3 consultancies dependent on the specifics of the role you are looking for.
Step 5 - Be Proactive!
Whilst you may have a consultancy working with you, be pro-active, network with old colleagues and friends, keep a close eye on possible opportunities you become aware of in the media and on job boards.
Good Luck!
Can we Help ?
Can we help? We have placed and filled over 100,000 temp and permanent assignments over the last 30 years so have a range of techniques, ideas and platforms which could help you. Why not call us on 0113 367 2880 to have a conversation with one of our team. Alternatively drop us an email here or check out our Testimonials and Case Studies.
PS: You can also check out are Candidate Showcase Video here.