Lucy Walker Recruitment

7 Great Ways to Upskill During a Pandemic

Written by Mark Woffenden | May 18, 2020 9:55:30 AM

One of the places we recommend starting from is looking at your Career Checklist and Career Development plans and developing an action plan from there. If you haven't done this before you can do this by downloading the documents from the downloads section of our website.

Let's face it, you need to know where you're heading before contemplating how you are going to get there!

This is particularly helpful starting point  if you’re unsure which skills areas you want to develop and which potential aspects of upskilling will be most beneficial to you. For example if you love your existing industry you are in and want to become a real expert in this field, reading industry specific books, articles and commentary and developing your existing skills may be enough for you whereas if you're thinking more a career change it may be the online courses which are more appealing at this point.

Here are 7 great ways to Upskill...


1. Listening to Podcasts

The advantage of the podcasting format is that it offers endless variety and options for the listener and they can literally tune in while doing another task like walking the dog. Any topic a person may be interested in can usually be found online in podcast format, giving listeners a large variety of content to choose from typically updated daily or weekly and so keeping you engaged over a long period of time.

As well as ITunes, Spotify and Android, globalplayerapp and PlayerFM allow you to track and trace your specialist topic or interests relatively easily, while career wise Feedspot has produced a list of the Top 20 career podcasts to follow, see here. 

Although of course we aren’t biased that list doesn’t include our very own podcast which you can access here.


2. Reading

If reading is your forte, the additional time lockdown gives you, will provide you with opportunity to read a lot more than you normally might.

Get familiar with industry leaders in your sector and understand how they are perceiving the pandemic may impact it and what opportunities and threats it will present going forward. Read industry articles and news to keep abreast of development. Consider reading self help and self development books which you may feel could help you both during the period of lockdown and also post lockdown to retain a focus and strive forward in our career with new ingrained thought processes or habits.


3. Sign up for Online Courses

Again there are countless organisations offering online courses to either help with self development issues you wish to address or specific career development topics in your current arena or maybe in a completely new area you would like to move into and want to use the time now to get a head start. There are plenty of subjects and course lengths to choose.

You no longer have to sign up for a long-term course which costs money, and you can have some flexibility in studying at a pace which suits you.

We would suggest you look at Coursera, FutureLearn, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning and Open Learn.


4. Volunteer

How will volunteering help you upskill?

Well, seeking to develop some of your softer skillset which our article “The 7 Job Skills likely to be in Highest Demand after the Pandemic” discusses, is a key consideration at this time both for your professional development and also senses of worth in giving back to the community.

One such example is, which is a brand new, organically-grown community initiative aiming to connect people on furlough with remote volunteer opportunities for charities and good causes.


5. Attend Virtual Events and Webinars

Every day, new virtual events and webinars are springing up on a variety of topics. It’s never been a better time to absorb yourself in these opportunities. It will help to prevent boredom whilst boosting your future employability if it can provide you with some key takeaways to act upon.


6. Work with a Mentor

Having a work mentor is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your career.

A long-established practice, mentorship helps you develop your professional skills while also giving you a better sense of how to navigate challenges and successes in the workplace.

Firstly you will need to be sure of your professional goals before establishing the type of individual, their career trajectory and values. Then you would take the step of connecting with them on a platform such as LinkedIn and discussing how potentially you can develop a mutually beneficial career relationship.


7. Brushing Up

By "brushing up" we are essentially referring to honing in on your existing skills and identifying some potential weaknesses or areas for improvement. For example, if you use Microsoft packages and believe being more proficient in them will improve your ability to do your role, spend some time perfecting this. Likewise if your touch type skills could benefit from going up a notch set yourself some goals and some tests.


Can We Help ?

Hopefully, we can with our market knowledge even if its simply pointing you in a different direction after we have had a career catch up with you.

We have placed and filled over 100,000 temp and permanent assignments over the last 30 years so have a range of techniques, ideas and platforms which could help you.

Why not call us on 0113 367 2880 to have a conversation with one of our team. Alternatively drop us an email here or check out our Testimonials and Case Studies.